Sturmey Archer Hub Shell 36H Satin - HSA476

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Detailed information and exploded diagrams for all Sturmey Archer parts can be found at Sturmey Archer - click here, Sturmey Archer Historical Hub Archive - click here or Tony Hadlands Pages - click here
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Questions & Answers (1)
Is this the right shell for a Sturmey Archer AB hub?
By Simon Haeussler
27 Aug 2020
I'm looking for a replacement of the shell of a Sturmey Archer AB hub built in 1981.
The part number I find in Sturmey Archer's documentation is K-602A (or K.602A, e.g. Is this the right part?
Best regards,
The part number I find in Sturmey Archer's documentation is K-602A (or K.602A, e.g. Is this the right part?
Best regards,
SJS Customer Service:
Hello, I imagine that the coding has just changed from a . to - in the part codes. i cannot confirm this however as the part numbers are the same apart from this I would assume its the correct part.